Audiovisual Works

Audiovisual works are intellectual products that result from the fixing of images with or without sound, that have the purpose of creating, through their display or reproduction, the impression of movement, independent of the processes used to capture or fix the image, as well as methods used for transmission.

Audiovisual works can be complex and/or collective, involving diverse, independent,  intellectual works or even works that are co-authored. Apart from the authorizations for their use as established by law, we are dealing with independent intellectual works, the authorship of which may be attributed to a single author (or director or producer), but which may have been produced in co-authorship with a script writer, a musical composer or author, or a director or producer. In the case of animated cartoons, we may also include in this list the author of the cartoon.

Examples of audiovisual works would include films, video-clips, animated cartoons, series, plays, scripts, among other works of a similar nature.

Before your work is presented to the public (for example, in a video website), sent to a person by e-mail or even shown to someone, it is recommended that you complete the registration process at Works Copyright. That way, your authorship will not be challenged.

Files registered through Works Copyright can be in any format you choose. As an example, the most common product used for registration would be video files. There is a limit of 100 Mbytes per registered file. In the event that your file exceeds this limit, please consult us and we will present a solution.

To copyright your audiovisual work all you need to do is complete the basic registration form on our site, purchase credits and click on the button REGISTER AUDIOVISUAL WORK.

All it takes is a few seconds to give your work the protection it deserves.

You can access your copyright registrations whenever you wish, by simply entering your username and password in the vault on our homepage.

In case you have any doubts, please consult our F.A.Q. pages.